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Source: Wired (Original author: Paula Chowles)
13 mai 20161 min de lecture
How to Film a Hollywood-Worthy Movie on Your iPhone
Your clip of a rat schlepping a quesadilla has the power to out-hype a summer blockbuster. Do it right. Go Horizontal: YouTube, Facebook,...
4 vues0 commentaire

Source: Wired (Original author: Paula Chowles)
13 mai 20161 min de lecture
How to Film a Hollywood-Worthy Movie on Your iPhone
Your clip of a rat schlepping a quesadilla has the power to out-hype a summer blockbuster. Do it right. Go Horizontal: YouTube, Facebook,...
3 vues0 commentaire

Source: Wired (Original author: Paula Chowles)
13 mai 20161 min de lecture
How to Film a Hollywood-Worthy Movie on Your iPhone
Your clip of a rat schlepping a quesadilla has the power to out-hype a summer blockbuster. Do it right. Go Horizontal: YouTube, Facebook,...
7 vues0 commentaire

Source: Wired (Original author: Paula Chowles)
13 mai 20161 min de lecture
How to Film a Hollywood-Worthy Movie on Your iPhone
Your clip of a rat schlepping a quesadilla has the power to out-hype a summer blockbuster. Do it right. Go Horizontal: YouTube, Facebook,...
4 vues0 commentaire
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